Harnessing the power
of AI for Good.

Harnessing the power
of AI for Good.

Harnessing the power
of AI for Good.


Building successful companies together.

At Good AI Capital, we believe doing well and doing good are symbiotic. Our mission is to generate outsize returns by backing the pioneers applying AI to solve humanity's biggest challenges responsibly.

Don't just disrupt,
make a difference.

We're more than just investors – we're allies in harnessing the power of AI for positive impact. We back technical visionaries building the future of Healthcare, Enterprise, and Automation.

Revolutionizing tomorrow’s tech today.

We seek out visionary companies creating technologies that have the potential to spark entirely new markets and industries. We look for the early indicators of future success - the pioneering innovations that will reshape how we live and work.

Look at all the markets Nvidia has opened up: computational drug design, weather simulation, materials design, robotics, self-driving cars, autonomous software - what we call artificial intelligence.

Jensen Huang
CEO, Nvidia

Investing in good ideas and good people.

We believe in the power of passionate founders. Join our network of experts and unlock your startup's full potential.

Our new offering can open up personalized, n equals one medicines to be tested and demonstrated in an extremely robust system.

Mark Kotter
CEO, BitBio

We're not just investors,
we're partners.

We provide more than just capital. We offer strategic and operational support, and access to talent, customers, and our network of experts to help our portfolio companies scale and achieve their full potential.

What Sets Us Apart

Mission-driven investment thesis in doing well by doing good
Unique focus on the intersection of technology and biology
Founder-centric approach from pre-seed to IPO
Strong founders' network and operational expertise

Industry Partners


Are you building a
better future with AI?

Let’s talk about how Good AI Capital can help.

2024 © Good AI Capital

2024 © Good AI Capital

2024 © Good AI Capital